
  • To participate in the forum Central Asia Retail Week, you need to fill out the registration form "Registration". Telephone registration is not provided. The number of participants from one company is not limited.
  • Register in the Personal Account (PA).
  • An email with login and password for accessing the account will be sent to the email address provided during registration.
  • Log in to the Personal Account with your login and password.

If your participation was not confirmed automatically (you did not receive an email with a ticket and there is no "Download ticket" button in the Personal Account), you need to select a paid participation package in the Participation Parameters, generate an Agreement-invoice, make a payment and send the payment order with the bank's mark to iv@retailevent.ru and help@retailevent.org.

If you do not receive a ticket within 24 hours and cannot determine the reason, write to help@retailevent.org. Please include your full name and email address of the account in the letter.

  • Try to register in another browser, after clearing the browser cache, from another computer, tablet or phone.
  • Take a screenshot or photo of the error.
  • Write about the problem to the site administrator at help@retailevent.org. Please provide your full name and email specified during registration.
  • Try checking for the email in the junk mail folder (spam).
  • If the confirmation email is not in the spam folder, write about the problem to the site administrator at help@retailevent.org. Please provide your full name and email specified during registration.

Participation is free for representatives of retail chains, retail and small format trade enterprises, online stores (e-commerce), and marketplaces under the "Standard" package.

Participation is free for government representatives, speakers, moderators, and Forum partners under the "Standard" package.

When registering, you need to provide a work (corporate) email address (example: ivanov@retailweek.ru).

If a free email service address (@mail.ru, @gmail.ru, @yandex.ru, etc.) is specified as the email address, registration under the free "Standard" package will not be confirmed.

Participation is paid for other participants. All participation packages >>>

The Forum Directorate reserves the right to refuse any candidate participation in all Forum events at its discretion without explanation, as well as to restrict participation in individual events.

The event will be held on September 17 - 19, 2025

You can send information about yourself and the topic of the presentation to info@retailevent.org. The forum directorate will review the application and contact you if interested. The duration of the presentation is 7-10 minutes.

The issuance of a personalized badge will be carried out at the registration desk on all days of the Forum. When receiving it, you need to present the ticket.

There is a paid parking near the location.

During the forum days, there will be a special area at the visitor registration zone where you can get a business trip certificate if necessary.

Do you have any questions?
Leave a request and we will definitely answer you!
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